Buyer Beware -

The Plant Macerat Diet Scam!

Note: The Plant Macerat scam is old news – at least, the product itself is. Unfortunately, the tactics used to market this product are still alive and well. Thus, we’ve left this review up as a cautionary tale. The conclusion, “If it sounds too good to be true, it ALWAYS is! Outrageous claims of weight loss are never (yes, never) true” – is just as relevant today, as it was a decade ago. The “plant...

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Phenphedrine Review: Its Effects and Side Effects

By the looks of things, Phenphedrine appears to be brought to us by the same anonymous retailers that introduced us to such dubious weight loss favorites as Fenphedra and Nuphedragen. The last two products sport nearly identical formulations—and Phenphedrine features the same core group of ingredients, plus a couple of extras. What’s The Danger Of Doing Business With Anonymous Retailers? Why is it important that you be extremely...

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PermaSlim Fat Burner Review & Information

In my research on PermaSlim, I found two different formulas for the product. The newest, and seemingly up-to-date version is a pure hoodia product. Hoodia, if you’ve missed the outrageous hype to date, is a succulent native to the African Kalahari desert renowned for its ability to suppress one’s appetite. That’s the theory anyway. The facts — to this point in time at least — do not bear this out at all....

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Nutracore Hoodia Extreme Power Formula (XPF) Review

I heard about Nutracore’s Hoodia Extreme Power Formula (XPF) in two ways. First, I received spam (unsolicited bulk e-mail) in my mailbox touting its benefits, and second, I’ve heard of it from visitors like you, who have also received “spam.” I recommend you avoid Hoodia Extreme Power Formula like the plague. Here’s why… 1. Sending bulk e-mail without the request of the recipient, is illegal in the...

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Nuphedragen Review And Information: Does Nuphedragen Work?

Nuphedragen, if you care to believe the advertising material, is the key to weight loss—thanks to “breakthroughs” in modern science. Spouting impressive terms like “cocaine amphetamine regulatory transcript” (c-a-r-t) and inhibit neuropeptide-y (NPY), it’s almost as if the retailers of Nuphedragen are trying to disguise the fact that their product is pretty gosh-darn ordinary. Because with one exception,...

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Myoffeine Fat Burner Review: Does Myoffiene Deliver On Its Promises?

Sold primarily on eBay, Myoffeine is marketed as a fat burner pill and a testosterone booster all in one neat little package. The sales pitch for this product promises users will get “freaky lean with bulging muscles”, not “skinny with flat muscles.” Apparently, this unique blend of ingredients will supercharge testosterone levels, which, in concert with the fat blasting component of the formula, will melt the...

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