Lipoclen Fat Burner Review: Does Lipoclen Work? -

Lipoclen Fat Burner Review: Does Lipoclen Work?

I had a hard time choking back my laughter as I read the opening paragraph of the Lipoclen advertising copy…

“A powerful, proven colon cleanser has become the most effective diet pills available! Developed with the dual purpose of cleansing the colon and burning fat, LipoClen has the strength to eliminate your unwanted waste and toxins while enhancing your metabolism so you burn fat faster and improve your overall health as the most effective weight loss pills to hit the market in more than a decade!”


Before I discuss the ingredients in Lipoclen, let’s first discuss the whole “detox” thing.

Unless you’ve been stranded on a desert island for the last few years, you’re probably aware that “detoxes” and detox-products are all the rage these days. It’s not surprising, therefore, that someone decided to capitalize upon both the detox craze and the growing obesity epidemic and create a product like this.

Unfortunately, there is exactly ZERO credible evidence that any of the many “detox” products on the market have any ability to eliminate any noxious chemicals. Consider some pertinent facts…

  1. The toxins in the ads are never explicitly identified, but are described in menacing terms: they’re all around us, in our air, food and water. In the world of genuine science, “toxins” have names. We know what they are. We know what they do. Most importantly, we know how to measure them. If these various products actually DID reduce toxins we are regularly exposed to (such as dioxin(s), PCBs, and methyl mercury), it would be easy enough to prove. Yet no proof of effectiveness is ever offered. Why do you think that is?Additionally, the toxic substances of greatest concern are the ones stored in tissues and/or eliminated relatively slowly from the body. Detoxification products will do little to affect this process.
  2. In 2007, scientists from the charitable trust “Sense About Science” reviewed 15 “detox” products—ranging from facial scrub to bottled water—and found the claims to be largely meaningless. The term “detox” is nothing more than a marketing term. They have compiled their findings in a dossier, which I recommend you download and read!
  3. Many credible scientists have gone on record debunking the detox craze. In a recent WebMD article called “The Worst Diets Ever“, Pamela Peeke, MD, chief medical correspondent for the Discovery Health channel says this of detoxes (also referred to as “cleanses”)…

    “All the flushes and cleanses are pure nonsense, unnecessary, and there is no scientific basis for these recommendations. Your body is well equipped with organs, such as the liver and kidneys, and the immune system, to rid itself of potential toxins and does an excellent job of cleansing itself without needing flushes or cleanses.”

    Dr. Paul Illing, Chartered Scientist, Registered Toxicologist and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, says this…

    “Detox diets and products may not do harm, except, perhaps, to your wallet, but neither do they do you much good. Your natural bodily functions are effective at clearing out harmful substances and there is little you can do to enhance these. Patience and a proper diet are more valuable than detox products and supplements.”

    Dr. Catherine Collins, Chief Dietician, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London says this…

    “The concept of ‘detox’ is a marketing myth rather than a physiological entity. The idea that an avalanche of vitamins, minerals, and laxatives taken over a 2 to 7 day period can have a long-lasting benefit for the body is also a marketing myth.”

    The only people who are telling you otherwise, are the ones who have something to gain financially from perpetuating the “detox myth.”

Nor is there any evidence that “detoxing” will help you lose weight—as claimed by the Lipoclen advertising.

With that out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the ingredients. According to the folks retailing Lipoclen it contains “…40 proven detoxifying ingredients!”

“Proven”?? In light of the discussion above, this is a contradiction. When it comes to detox supplements, nothing is proven at all.

But even if it was, there’s a real problem with products that contain large numbers of ingredients…

The medicinal plants, food compounds and herbs that are typically found in weight loss products are much like pharmaceutical drugs; they need to be present in a potent enough dosage to have any effect.

Unfortunately, products that contain a lot of ingredients are less likely to contain potent dosages of the individual ingredients than less complex formulas.


Because capsule size is limiting.

The largest capsule most people can tolerate (size 00) will hold a maximum of 600-1000 mg of ingredients or so (how much exactly depends on the density of the ingredients included).

A large, 4-cap dose will give you a maximum of 4,000 mg of ingredients to play with, but commercial products usually supply a lot less. When ingredients need to be present at doses of 200, 300 or even 500 mg to have any effect, you quickly run out of room.

Therefore, most ingredients in “clown car supplements” like Lipoclen can only serve as “label dressing.” In other words, they make the label appear impressive, despite the fact that most ingredients are not present in a dose strong enough to actually do anything.

We can see this by looking at the list of ingredients. The principal ingredients in Lipoclen are…

1. Green tea (400mg): It’s true; green tea offers some real, clinically-backed benefits for weight loss. A couple of caveats though…

  1. The green tea needs to be of high quality and standardized for essential catechins (like EGCG) in the appropriate amount. Is it here? Who knows? Since the label doesn’t indicate that it is, it is very unlikely.
  2. Despite the positive data, green tea’s effects are subtle. One study, for instance, shows that green tea can elevate the metabolism by 4%. That sounds pretty impressive until you recognize that it equates to around 100 calories for the average person. Obviously every little bit helps, but if you’ve got 10-20 pounds to lose, a supplement that helps you burn an extra 100 calories per day isn’t going to make a whole heck of a lot of difference.

2.  Dandelion (500mg), Uva Ursi (250mg) and Buchu Leaves (250mg): These three ingredients are commonly used as diuretics. You’ll also find them in products claiming to offer “detoxing” benefits, although there’s absolutely no evidence any of these ingredients can “draw” deep seated environmental toxins from the body.

3. Potassium gluconate (100mg): As the name suggests, this is a source of potassium. While it’s true people need more potassium, the recommended amount – 4700mg/day for adults – is large. The 100mg of potassium gluconate (which is not 100% potassium) is negligible by comparison.

4. Lemon Balm (200mg): A “calming” herb that’s often used in combination with valerian or passionflower in herbal sleep formulas. The recommended dose, however, is 300mg – 500mg, up to 3 times/day. The 200mg in Lipoclen is rather underwhelming.

5. DMAE (125mg): A choline analog (and industrial chemical) that’s sometimes classified as a “smart drug,” DMAE is often found in various mood/cognitive enhancing supplements. Evidence that it’s useful is in short supply, however.

6. Ginger (100mg): A popular herbal remedy for nausea, ginger also possesses thermogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therapeutically, however, it’s used in much larger quantities than Lipoclen provides.

7. Juniper Berry (100mg): Another diuretic with antiseptic properties.

8. Senna Leaf (100mg): An herbal laxative. The active compounds, sennosides, are used in commercial laxatives (e.g. Senakot).

Together, these 10 ingredients account for 2,125 mg (approx. 70%) of each 4-capsule serving. And they’re not likely to do much for you, beyond making you “go” a little more frequently. The one decent weight loss ingredient here (green tea) is not standardized and thus, almost certainly underdosed.

The other 30 ingredients are crammed into the remaining 886mg. Most of these ingredients, like acai, flaxseed, noni, mangosteen and cayenne are either whole foods, spices or herbs – not high-potency extracts standardized for active compounds. Thus, it’s absurd to believe that the trivial 25mg – 50mg amounts provided in Lipoclen will accomplish anything at all, let alone eliminating “toxins” or boosting weight loss. The only weight you’ll shed from this product is water – thanks to the diruetic/laxative component. If you manage to lose any fat, it will be due to your own, individual efforts.

It’s not surprising to find that given its low-dosed ingredients, outrageous and inaccurate claims and vastly over-priced cost, Lipoclen isn’t a product I’d recommend. There are simply much better, more competitively-priced weight loss products on the market.

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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