Zylorin Diet Pill Review: Potent Weight Loss Fighter? - UltimateFatBurner.com

Zylorin Diet Pill Review: Potent Weight Loss Fighter?

Editor’s Note (June 2015): Zylorin appears to be discontinued — in light of the discussion below, I’m not particularly surprised.

Reviewing the Zylorin diet pill made my day. You see, I haven’t laughed so hard for quite a while.


The retailers of Zylorin don’t seem to have any compunctions about “pushing the envelope” when it comes to making product claims. And the claims are so ridiculous, it’s actually pretty funny.

Here’s some of the more amusing things I’ve seen “said” about Zylorin…

“The phenomenal power of Zylorin’s key active ingredients is backed by over 34 published clinical studies.”

“Zylorin is fueled by a revolutionary combination of two of the most thoroughly tested natural weight-loss and metabolic-enhancing agents known to science.”

“Zylorin’s formula is so powerful and effective that it can promote significant visible results in four weeks or less (results may vary).”

Unfortunately, none of these things are true.

Zylorin’s formula is extremely mild and it’s ingredients are ordinary (in fact, it’s one of the weakest, and to be honest, lamest formulas I’ve seen in a while).

And which two ingredients are the “most thoroughly tested tested natural weight-loss and metabolic-enhancing agents known to science” as Zylorin claims?

Fact is, the only ingredient that has any scientific data validating its helpfulness to dieters is green tea (reviewed here), and this formula contains a mere 50 mg of it.

The only other ingredients having any real bearing on the “weight loss” element of this formula are…

1. Citrus aurantium (standardized for synephrine, reviewed here!): A dud for weight loss. This excerpt from PubMed (Am J Cardiol. 2004 Nov 15;94(10):1359-61.) says it best…

“An extensive search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and the Cochrane Collaboration Database identified only 1 eligible randomized placebo controlled trial, which followed 20 patients for 6 weeks, demonstrated no statistically significant benefit for weight loss, and provided limited information about the safety of the herb.”

2. Chromium: a useful blood sugar moderator, but no miracle weight loss agent; studies are contradictory — see the full review here!

3. Hoodia: the most hyped, unsubstantiated product currently for sale as an appetite suppressor. You can read the full review of Hoodia here, and customer comments on hoodia here!

Zylorin also contains a smattering of vitamins, which, while essential for optimal function and performance, are unlikely to lead to weight loss by themselves.

Bottom line?

No clinical studies validate Zylorin’s effectiveness as a weight loss agent. It’s ingredient profile is not revolutionary, despite what the advertising claims. However, some people may experience weight loss with Zylorin. This is not because of its ground-breaking formula, but because your purchase includes a diet and exercise plan. If it’s a decent one, this alone will account for the weight loss attained by any individuals using the product.

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of UltimateFatBurner.com. His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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