Myoffeine Fat Burner Review: Does Myoffiene Deliver On Its Promises? -

Myoffeine Fat Burner Review: Does Myoffiene Deliver On Its Promises?

Sold primarily on eBay, Myoffeine is marketed as a fat burner pill and a testosterone booster all in one neat little package. The sales pitch for this product promises users will get “freaky lean with bulging muscles”, not “skinny with flat muscles.”

Apparently, this unique blend of ingredients will supercharge testosterone levels, which, in concert with the fat blasting component of the formula, will melt the fat off you like butter in a hot frying pan.

It’s probably not going to surprise you, but there’s a lot of problems with Myoffeine. Let’s get started…

1. Myoffeine is sold online and on eBay. It does not appear to be sold off-line in reputable retail outlets. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with using eBay or selling online, it’s just that many supplement retailers do this in order to limit their accountability to the consumer. Without a “brick and mortar” presence, it’s very difficult for unsatisfied consumers to obtain refunds or make complaints.

2. Although Myoffeine’s ingredient profile is revealed, we are not told how much of each ingredient is present in it. This poses a major problem, as it makes it impossible to assess the efficacy of the product. For example…

L-arginine, a nitric oxide precursor included in the testosterone-boosting element of this formula, may have some beneficial effects on muscle growth — but only in multi-gram doses. A few hundred milligrams of the ingredient provides little benefit. It’s nothing more than “label dressing.”

The only thing we do know is that Myoffeine contains 300 mg of caffeine — the equivalent of three cups of coffee’s worth. That’s a LOT of caffeine. Caffeine or stimulant-sensitive individuals might be wise to steer clear of this product.

3. There is no evidence backing the claims made by the retailers of Myoffeine. For instance…

One of the ingredients touted by retailers to increase testosterone levels and build “bulging muscles” is tribulus terrestris. While the eBay sites I visited claimed its effects were demonstrated by a “study”, the studies I viewed…

…. indicated tribulus had no effect on either body composition or androgen (testosterone) production.

So much for bulging muscles (tribulus may have value as a “libido booster” and for those suffering erectile dysfunction, but that’s about it).

Another ingredient included in the blend of “testosterone boosting ingredients” is l-glutamine. According to the eBay Myoffeine listing I visited, glutamine is “one of the most important muscle building bodybuilding supplements available.” They also say, “Want big muscles? You need glutamine!”

While I’m a huge fan of glutamine for recovery and immune support (when used in the 10-40 grams/day level), there is no evidence glutamine enhances exercise performance (Sports Med Phys Fitness 1998;38:240-4) or that it builds “big muscles.”

L-arginine, an amino acid precursor to nitric oxide may have some benefit on muscle growth, but its too early to say. The retailers, of course say different — “research of subjects taking arginine have experienced significant improvements in muscle growth.” Of course, they don’t bother to name the study, or provide references — as I have above.

The “fat annihilating” element of the product doesn’t fare much better. We already know there’s a ton of caffeine in this product, and yes, caffeine does have fat burning properties (it’s WAY cheaper to buy caffeine pills though).

Citrus aurantium (standardized for synephrine) is no winner though. Check this extract about Citrus aurantium from this PubMed abstract

“An extensive search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and the Cochrane Collaboration Database identified only 1 eligible randomized placebo controlled trial, which followed 20 patients for 6 weeks, demonstrated no statistically significant benefit for weight loss, and provided limited information about the safety of the herb.”

And cinnamon, although a very worthwhile ingredient — especially for its ability to lower blood sugar — can hardly be described as a “fat annihilator.”

4. The claims made by Myoffeine — lose weight AND build muscle at the same time, are physiologically contradictory. You see, losing weight requires a caloric deficit. Building muscles requires a caloric surplus. Although some advanced high intensity exercise programs claim otherwise (check Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training) it’s almost impossible to accomplish both at the same time.

That’s why bodybuilders go on “mass” and “cutting” cycles. In the mass cycle, they consume surplus calories and build as much muscle as they can. In the cutting cycle, they restrict calories in an effort to rid themselves of fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

Bottom line?

I can’t recommend this product. The claims are outrageous and have no basis in fact.

Buyer beware!

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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