Natural Testosterone Boosters vs Anabolic Steroids - Bodybuilding Supplements

Natural Testosterone Boosters vs Anabolic Steroids

What is the best time to take creatine, before or after a workout?

How well do natural testosterone boosters work? In this video we compare them to anabolic steroids and report to you!

Clinical study I reference in this video is available here!

Natural Testosterone Boosters for Men Vs. Anabolic Steroids

what's the best time to take creatineToday’s video is on a bit of controversial topic, but I think it’s important one, at least from the perspective of providing you with a realistic idea of what you can REALLY expect from natural testosterone boosters.

And I want to emphasize, right from the get go, that my intention with this video is not to suggest that you should be doing steroids – that’s not the case at all. After all, they’re illegal in many places in the world, they can come with significant side effects and health ramifications and there’s always the ethical issues as well, so no.

That’s not the idea.

The goal of this video to help make you a more informed consumer, and the best way to do that, when it comes to natural testosterone boosters anyway – is to compare the results that they deliver to the “real” thing.

Which, are anabolics.

Does that make sense?

Why Do People Take Natural Test Boosters Anyway?

So let’s start by talking about why people take natural testosterone boosters in the first place.

In my experience – and that’s based on 6 years of owning a supplement shop and almost 20 years of running Ultimate Fat – there are two types of customers for these products…

1) Younger guys who aren’t making gains quickly enough and want to speed up the process, and are looking for an alternative to anabolic steroids. They don’t want to do steroids, but they want something. So they turn to natural test boosters.

2) The second type of customers are older guys.

Normally, Older guys aren’t looking for a steroid alternative necessarily, they’re looking for something to give them a bit of a boost, to ramp their libido or sex drive, and put a little extra “spring” in their step, etc.

That’s who buys these products mostly.

What can you expect from a steroid alternative supplement?

So let’s talk about what sort of results these two types of customers can expect from a natural test booster.

Ok, got your thinking caps on? Awesome.

Let’s get started.

The average male makes between 4-7 mg of testosterone per day.

For the sake of simple math, let’s just say 5 mg per day.

In a month, that’s 155 mg of testosterone.

31 days times 5 mg is 155 or 150 mg in a month with 30 days.

Now let’s consider a natural test boosting supplement that was proven in a clinical study to boost test levels by around 6.5%.


I’m not going to analzye the study, for the sake of this video I going to accept the results at face value.

I’m also not going to name the supplement, because I don’t want to make appear like I’m picking on it, since that’s not really the point of this discussion.

However, I will include the link to the study I’m talking about in the description below this video, so if you’re interested in finding out what it is, find the link under the video and go check it out.

So getting back to this products ability to boost test levels by 6.5%,

A 6.5% increase on 155 mg – that’s roughly the amount of testoterone you make in a month – is an additional 9.3 mg.

So the math is…

155 mg/test/month X 6.5% = 9.3

Obviously, 9.3 mg is not nothing.

But how much of a performance boost can you really expect from this?

To put this increase context, here’s where we need to talk about anabolic steroids.

The Beginner Steroid Cycle

The average beginner steroids cycle – which is the minimum steroid dose that experts in the field recommend if you expect to see any results – will have you taking somewhere between 250 mg – 500mg of testosterone per week.

Per week.

That’s 1,000 – 2,000 mg of testosterone per month, or somewhere between 650% and 1300% more testosterone than your body makes on its own.

Now let’s go back to our natural test booster.

How much difference, then, do you think then, will that 6.5% or 9.3 mg per month make?

How much muscle will you build?

So Do Natural Testosterone Boosters Work?

Well to answer that question, I’m going to refer to the same clinical study that demonstrated this 6.5% increase. In the authors’ discuission, they say, and I quote…

“Thus, these data sup-port the notion that elevated levels of testosterone within physiological levels have no influence on muscle strength in strength-trained young men.”

One more time…

“Thus, these data sup-port the notion that elevated levels of testosterone within physiological levels have no influence on muscle strength in strength-trained young men.”


You heard that right.

The authors of the study conducted on this supplement clearly state that you are to expect nothing in the way of muscle strength from this supplement.


If you want to read their full discussion in detail, just click the link to the clinical study above.

Now I want to be clear…

That’s not to say these natural test boosters don’t offer some value, and that consumers don’t like them. Many do.

Most contain multiple ingredients, some of which offer additional benefits. for instance, these products often work very well as libido boosters and sexual enhancement aids, although this has nothing to do with elevated testosterone levels.

Some natural test boosters come with an intelligent diet and training plan, which on its own my generate results, giving you the impressions that the products actually works.

And lastly, some products may be contaminated with actual steroids, which of course, actually work.

but at the end of the day, there is absolutely no evidence to show that natural test boosters do anything to elevate testosterone to the levels necessary to boost muscle growth.

And please, please, please… don’t be fooled by ripped spokespeople with 6 packs. The folks selling these products look the way they do because of hard work, diet and genetics, and in some cases I’m sure, a significant dose of anabolic steroids.

The oldest trick in the supplement company’s retail book is to use people who are fanatastic shape to sell you their products, but I can guarantee that in almost every case, this has very little or nothing to do with the product in question.

Alright guys, thats it’s for this video.

If you want to learn more about natural testosterone boosters for me, you’ll want to watch my video 9 Insane facts about Testosterone Boosters. If you have questions or comments please leave them below, and of course if you haven’t subscribed to this channel yet, I gotta ask… what’s wrong with you? What are thinking?

Seriosuly, be awesome to have you on board, and I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you… really soon.

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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