Health and Wellness - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

Slate: “America’s Pedestrian Problem”

This morning – after returning from a walk in my new neighborhood – I stumbled on a series published in Slate: “America’s Pedestrian Problem.” It’s subdivided into 4 articles: “The Crisis in American Walking,” “Sidewalk Science,” “What’s Your Walk Score” and “Learning to Walk.” The author, Tom Vanderbilt nails the issue in the first article:...

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Israel Outlaws Too-Skinny Models

CNN has the story: Wow – those runway models look anything BUT glamourous to these eyes. They may be wearing elegant designer outfits, but there’s no hiding the bony chests and hollow eyes. Although BMI isn’t an ideal measure, the Israeli law still seems like a good one, to me! (Thanks to Kyle for the video...

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SBM: “Is Gluten the New Candida?”

The big move is less than 3 weeks away! I’m spending the weekend cleaning and sorting the wheat from the chaff – that is, what to take vs. what to give away/discard. Even though we’ve only been living here for 4 years, and went through a similar process before we moved in, there’s still an astonishing amount of “chaff” to deal with. Ugh. Speaking of wheat, I’ll leave you with this awesome...

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Pumping Iron is Good for your Brawn AND Brain!

James Fell covers the topic in his latest “In Your Face Fitness” column for the LA Times. Voss and her team examined more than 100 studies on the topic and discovered some interesting things. Here’s one: The brain benefits of resistance training (such as lifting weights) seem to differ from those you get from aerobic exercise. “Aerobic exercise improves ability to coordinate multiple things, long-term planning...

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“The Cure For Everything”

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff of “Weighty Matters” reviews an interesting new book, “The Cure For Everything: Untangling Twisted Messages About Health, Fitness and Happiness.” Sounds like it could be good… You see Tim’s book is something I’m not sure I’ve ever read before. I’d describe it as an “evidence-based romp” (words that I’d never thought I’d string together)...

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Mary Elizabeth Williams Speaks for Me

…concerning Paula Deen’s announcement that she has type 2 diabetes. Deen meets the criteria for a perfect storm of risk factors. She turns 65 on Thursday; she admitted last fall she smoked a pack and a half a day. She will also deep fry anything, and I mean anything: macaroni and cheese, stuffing, even butter itself.  For years, she’s existed as the Keith Richards of cholesterol, seeming to survive solely on pork fat,...

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