Health and Wellness - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

CDC: 1 in 5 US Teenagers Have Abnormal Lipid Levels

According to data recently published by the US Centers for Disease Control, slightly over 20% of youths aged 12 – 19 had at least one abnormal blood lipid value (i.e., high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol and/or high serum triglycerides).  According to a Washington Post summary: One out of every five U.S. teenagers has a cholesterol level that increases the risk of heart disease, federal health officials reported Thursday,...

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Men’s Health: 18 Supermarket Lies

Men’s Health has a pretty good slideshow on deceptively labeled food products. Some of the examples are no-brainers (“fat-free” jelly beans, lol), but it highlights the need to parse label claims carefully… There are far too many unhealthy foods masquerading as healthy ones in your local supermarket. Needless to state, the “information” on the front of the package doesn’t always provide an...

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From Industrial Chemical…to Supplement

Normally, I roll my eyes when I see anti-supplement articles printed in the mainstream media.  But I’m going to make an exception for this article in the Chicago Tribune by Trine Tsouderos. An industrial chemical developed to help separate heavy metals from polluted soil and mining drainage is being sold as a dietary supplement by a luminary in the world of alternative autism treatments. Called OSR#1, the supplement is described...

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US Obesity Rates Leveling Off

As the LA Times puts it: Americans may not be collectively doomed to die in their recliners after all, one hand in the chips bag, the other stretching for the remote. Obesity levels seem to be leveling off or slowing across most of the population, according to two new comprehensive studies of the nation’s heft. The assessments, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are a welcome respite from the seemingly endless...

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Couch Potatoes Get Planted Earlier

According to the American Heart Association, a new study links TV viewing – and prolonged sedentary behavior in general – with an increase in all cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease. DALLAS, Jan. 11, 2010 — Couch potatoes beware: every hour of television watched per day may increase the risk of dying earlier from cardiovascular disease, according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the...

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Yet One More Reason To Not Drink Soda

Uuuuurrrrgh.  Hot off the presses of the International Journal of Food Microbiology: The study looked at 90 beverages from 30 soda fountains in Virginia. A follow-up study took a look at the microbes they found in 27 drinks (including water). Researchers found that 48% of the drinks were harboring “coliform” bacteria — which means they could contain fecal matter.  “More than 11% of the beverages analyzed...

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