The "Great" Outdoors? You Betcha... - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

The “Great” Outdoors? You Betcha…

The following is taken from a great CalorieLab article called…

“They don’t call the outdoors “great” for nothing.”

Who can argue with that?

While a gym membership certainly has benefits – as it will allow you to perform specialized exercises – the great outdoors is a fantastic place to be “active”… which is what exercising is really all about…

One of the problems with using gyms, health clubs or fitness centers as your exercise venue is that they come with a number of drawbacks that can be and routinely are used as handy excuses to not exercise at all. For openers, they cost money, which is not exactly dropping from the heavens these days. They are often filled with people who are in such good condition or so physically attractive that they make you feel like something that washed up on a beach by comparison, and who needs that?

They involve using equipment that was recently used by people wearing shorts and sweating and for all you know carrying some drug- and antiseptic-resistent version of diphtheria. They can take on an aroma that would remind you of Calcutta if you’d ever been to Calcutta. They can get crowded, sometimes you have for wait for the treadmill or stationary bike, their hours aren’t that convenient, ad weaselum.

Well, it turns out there is a place where you can exercise to your heart’s content and which is not only free if those drawbacks, but, we are discovering, makes for a measurably more productive, more frequent, and more enjoyable exercise experience. And it’s dirt cheap. The place is called Outdoors.


Whatcha waiting for? Get outside into the great outdoors…

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.


  1. But it’s raining outdoors… 😉

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  2. It’s also going to be only in the teen’s for high temps!!!!

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