You Know You're Getting Older... - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

You Know You’re Getting Older…

…when you go to a family gathering on the other side of the state, and one of the guests is your brother-in-law’s cardiologist.

No, seriously… he even complimented me on my high HDL/low LDL cholesterol level.

In addition to having high cholesterol, my bro-in-law evidently has elevated blood pressure, high uric acid, high fasting glucose and kidney stones. 

He’s 7 years older than my husband, John.  He’s lost a bit of weight recently, and is trying to control his health issues through diet and exercise now, but the jury’s still out on how successful he’s going to be.

On the drive back, John thanked me for helping him lose weight and get into better shape…hanging with his brother gave him a glimpse of an alternate future, but – since he started getting it together several years ago – he’s pretty confident he’s on track to dodge those particular bullets.  Diet and exercise can do a lot to treat health issues, but prevention is even better.

Author: elissa

Elissa is a former research associate with the University of California at Davis, and the author/co-author of over a dozen articles published in scientific journals. Currently a freelance writer and researcher, Elissa brings her multidisciplinary education and training to her writing on nutrition and supplements.

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