Moderate Diets - Diet Reviews

Christopher Guerriero’s Maximize Your Metabolism

Christopher Guerriero’s Maximize Your Metabolism publication is, not surprisingly given the title, almost entirely dedicated to increasing your metabolic rate. Why should this interest you? Well, the metabolic rate is the measure of the speed at which your body burns calories. The faster your metabolism, the more calories your body burns, the slower, the fewer it burns. It’s pretty obvious… a faster metabolism...

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Review: The Mediterranean Diet

We’ve all heard of the Mediterranean diet, right? Well in this case, the term “Mediterranean Diet” may actually be a misnomer, since there is no one single diet favored by the 16 countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, diets vary not only between countries but also within different regions of the same country. The differing diets are based upon culture, ethnicity, religion, economic factors, and agricultural...

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Review: The Perricone Diet

The Perricone Diet is based upon the concept that what you eat can have a direct impact on how you look. Nicholas Perricone, author of the book, The Wrinkle Cure, maintains that while sunlight does cause skin damage, sugar is to blame for at least half of all skin aging. Perricone states that sugar leads to inflammation, which hurts the skin cells and causes the skin to sag. The Perricone Diet, which is billed as a way to strip years...

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SunSlim Diet Review

Note: the SunSlim Diet is no longer available for sale. According to author Dr. Joy Siegrist, the SunSlim diet is… “… scientifically designed to burn off excess fat at the fastest rate that is safe for you.” In the introduction to the book, she says… “Instead of eating less, you can burn off up to 176% more calories by following the eating plans in this book.” Despite what I’ve heard...

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Weight Watchers Diet Program Review

A duchess is credited with helping to boost the popularity of the Weight Watchers diet program. Sarah, the Duchess of York, became a spokeswoman for the program some years ago, attracting new followers to the weight loss regimen. But long before Sarah burst onto the scene, Weight Watchers was helping people around the world realize both short-term and long-term weight loss goals. Weight Watchers was established in the 1960s as a...

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Suzanne Somers’ Diet Program Review

Actress Suzanne Somers created quite a stir in the dieting community with her revolutionary meal plan, also known as Somersizing. The diet is less restrictive than most, yet employs the popular concept of combining foods low in carbohydrates with those high in protein. Dieters must avoid certain foods following the Suzanne Somers Diet. Most of the banned foods consist of junk food, but some healthy foods are banned as well. The major...

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