The "Test" Test: Home Stretch - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

The “Test” Test: Home Stretch

This is the final week – the second bottle of IsaTest will be finished on Friday.  So Friday morning, it’s off to the lab for a second set of blood tests.

John’s down to 208 lbs.  He started at 214 lbs. x 17.8% body fat.  I haven’t tested his bodyfat this week – it can wait until Friday, when we take his final stats.  He’s definitely looking trimmer and firmer, although there’s still some lingering softness and “jiggle” around the midsection – that will be the last to go, I’m afraid.  But I personally think he’s lucky here: it’s definitely subcutaneous fat – not visceral.  Unlike a lot of men in his age range, he doesn’t have that protruding abdomen reminiscent of a 5 – 6 month pregnancy.  Subcutaneous fat is the stuff sitting under the skin that can be easily pinched between your thumb and forefinger, while visceral fat is packed around the internal organs.  Subcutaneous fat may not be pretty, but there don’t appear to be any health risks associated with it.  Visceral fat, on the other hand, has been linked to a variety of serious problems, such as cardiovascular disease and risk of diabetes….even dementia.

Strength-wise, he’s seen some modest increases across the board, although nothing that I wouldn’t normally expect to see with a good program.  Overall, his libido has been up too, although not so much over this last week, as he’s been under a lot of stress – he’s been studying for a certification exam, in addition to being under other work-related stress.  I don’t expect even the best supp can completely compensate for that.

It will take about 10 days or so after the blood draw to get the lab results, so we’ll be able to deliver a final verdict on IsaTest – and herbal testosterone boosters in general – in about 2 weeks.

Author: elissa

Elissa is a former research associate with the University of California at Davis, and the author/co-author of over a dozen articles published in scientific journals. Currently a freelance writer and researcher, Elissa brings her multidisciplinary education and training to her writing on nutrition and supplements.

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