Obesity - The UltimateFatBurner Blog

The Key To Weight Loss Success? Being Accountable…

Tom Venuto discussed its importance in his publication, “The Fifth Element.” Commercial dieting programs like “Weight Watchers” recognize and captilize upon it. What is this elusive “it?” Accountability. Put plainly, when we human beings have to answer for our actions to other human beings, we tend to get a little more motivated. Why? Often, it’s as simple a pure ego. Most of us are a little...

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A NEAT Way to Keep From Gaining Weight

Regular, vigorous exercise helps keep the pounds off – we all know this.  But, as it turns out, it may be your non-exercise activity that determines how much weight creeps on over the years.  Activities as simple as pacing while you think, or puttering around the house add up to a significant number of calories, if you’re constantly doing them throughout the day. How many extra calories could you possibly burn?  According...

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Diets Don’t Work… Right?

You’ve probably heard it a million times… “diets don’t work.” Oh really?  Problem is, unless that statement is presented in the correct context, you’d be right to assume there’s no point making any changes to your current eating habits… especially if the comment comes from a respected professional. But here’s the thing: in reality… … just about every diet will work...

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Exercise Gimmicks Vol. I: JumpSnap

Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise, for sure.  But if you can’t do it, then the folks selling “JumpSnap” have the perfect solution for you. Or maybe not: it sure looks catchy, and the video is awesome.  But forget the background music and choreography for a moment and look a little closer at what everyone is doing… That’s right.  They’re simply jumping up and down while waving a pair of...

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The Devil’s in the Details…

I’m often struck by the difference between reports on health/fitness research that appear in the popular media, and the actual published research.  Oh, the popular reports are accurate enough in what they say…but what they don’t say can be important too.  When a scientific study catches media attention, reporters frequently act as stenographers and cheerleaders, and don’t give the details the analysis they...

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